No! (The developer) came to me and was like, “I really like this thing, here’s a Steam code for another game I’ve made, can I make a game?” I didn’t have any say in the level or the design.
I usually say, just credit me where you can — as long as it’s not done for money. Now I’m getting a lot of emails from 12-year-olds in Ohio and Wisconsin, asking if they can make a movie about Siren Head, or if I can answer questions for a school essay. I’m just like, “I’m just a guy in Toronto.”
I actually noticed that one of the Google autocomplete questions is “Is Siren Head real?”
That’s amazing. I guess that’s super flattering in terms of how well-done the Photoshops are.
There were a couple YouTubers who made a 12-foot-tall model in the woods out of PVC piping and foam. It was wild.
Could you imagine if they rigged it for sound?
Siren Head: Toronto artist's monster an unlikely gaming hit
The story of how a 40-foot creature and its five-minute indie game captured the hearts of the gaming community